Digging in the Crates
mixed bag o links
simply beautiful – man and machine
Cafe cowboy from benedict campbell on Vimeo.
processing. LCD pixel like display
fragments of RGB – 02 from onformative on Vimeo.
Seymour Bits – Put It Back Down
the amazing linotype machine – the film
fishing for complements – an interactive audio experience
Nemore from Fishing For Compliments on Vimeo.
that ninja is sick!
introducing my malware saga on wordpress
I happened to visit my site yesterday to find a HUGE WARNING display where my content once was thanks to Google.
As I continue to hunt down the root of the issue I will add to this post and once resolved, hopefully have a better understanding of the vulnerabilities of word press or at least how I have it configured.
the following are a list of security sites that claim to help find hidden/illicit content that have been placed on your site without your knowledge.
not too sure what is going on with the google warning as the scans are showing as clean…
…. more as progress continues